Yiddish Dictionary
ייִדיש װערטערבוך
Our work on the print version of the Yiddish-English dictionary has been graciously sponsored by foundations and private donors throughout the world:
The Forward Association, Inc., New York
The Rita Poretsky Foundation. Inc.
The Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture
The Rothschild Foundation of Europe
The Chaim Schwartz Foundation
International Association of Yiddish Clubs
Atran Foundation, New York
Hanadiv Charitable Foundation, London
Benyumen Shekhter Foundation, New York
Mr. Hirsch Perloff, London
The David and Barbara B. Hirschhorn Foundation, Inc.
Motl Rosenbush
This web site receives no support from institutions or grants. It is currently supported only by fees paid by users who want extended access. Fees for access to the French definitions are shared with the Bibliothèque Medem; fees for the English definitions pay for the development and maintenance of this site.